Editor's Note: Can you believe it - we are beginning to close out Q1 of 2025. What kind of Organization do you have? What kind of Leader or Team Member are you? In many cases it comes down to whether you have an "abundance" or "scarcity" mindset. I thought these two graphics might be good to ponder.
Another note: Regardless of your politics, as I re-read this, I recognized that our country is currently led by a president who has many or the charateristics of a "scarcity" mindset.-dpm] ___________________________
Collaborator or "Smartest person in the room"; Seek the credit or Share the credit; Horde information or Share information. Are you willing to invest to achieve a greater outcome? Whether you are building a team or a company, which traits/attributes do you want in yourself and others? The best organizations do not tolerate "scarcity mindsets" - they sap the energy and vitality out of an organization. |