The importance of scenario planning in preparing for the Trump Presidency
There is much optimism in the business community about the new Trump administration. There are more predictions than one can count. The one sure thing is that the pundits have been wrong predicting the future much more than
they have been right. But with the many bold statements and actions coming out of Washington, how sure are you about the future?
How well are you prepared for what you think will happen in the future? How well are you prepared for what you don’t think will happen?
· What impact will tariffs have? On prices? On supply chains? What will be the impact of foreign retaliation?
· How much will deportation impact the labor pool?
· What will be short-term impacts of government cuts?
· Will certain actions trigger a new round of inflation?
One thing is for certain - when government gets involved with many broad sweeping actions – There will be unintended consequences?
In 2025 more than ever, we are seeing companies in one of three camps: 1. Paralyzed by uncertainty; 2. Certain they are right with their view predicting the future; 3. Planning for multiple scenarios.
The Mead Consulting Group has been helping companies with scenario planning for many years. Companies that do scenario planning, have management teams that are prepared to act quickly to changes in market variables. Check out our client success stories for examples of companies from $15M to $200M that we have helped.
If you want to discuss how your organization can be best prepared for an uncertain future, please contact me.
The Mead Consulting Group helps dozens of companies and organizations -like yours - every year with scenario planning ,strategic planning & execution, and strategic business coaching. Clients that utilize these processes consistently outperform their competition.
If you would like to discuss your situation, please contact me to set up a complimentary meeting. Dave Mead at (303)660-8135 or