Monday, January 15, 2024

New Approaches to Strategic Planning

 [Editor’s Note: As we enter 2024, uncertainties loom large for Business owners and CEOs. Navigating these uncertainties requires strategic foresight, adaptability, and a proactive approach. This article explores what new approaches to strategic planning that business owners and CEOs should adopt to prepare for the uncertainties that may arise, ensuring sustainable growth of revenue and profitability in the face of challenges. We hope you find this thought-provoking. –dpm]

New Approaches to Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is the cornerstone of any successful business, providing a roadmap for growth, sustainability, and competitive advantage. In the dynamic landscape of lower middle market companies, which typically operate with limited resources, limited access to capital and face unique challenges, traditional approaches to strategic planning may fall short. New innovative methodologies have emerged that address the specific needs of these businesses.

Flexible Plans with Frequent UpdatesTraditional strategic planning often involves rigid, long-term plans. In contrast, an agile approach embraces flexibility and adaptability. Companies benefit from shorter planning cycles, allowing them to adjust strategies based on real-time feedback and market dynamics. This iterative process ensures that the organization remains responsive to changing circumstances. We recommend that companies review strategies every 3-4 months.

Scenario Planning. Given the uncertainty in the business environment, scenario planning has gained prominence. Prior to 2008, scenario planning was utilized mostly by larger companies. Since that time, a greater number of lower middle market companies have embraced scenario planning. Scenario Planning involves developing multiple strategic scenarios based on different possible views of the future. Companies can use this method to identify potential risks and opportunities, enabling proactive decision-making and risk mitigation. Managers can “rehearse” how the company would respond to various scenarios.

Data-Driven Decision-Making. Leveraging analytics for strategic planning is essential. Companies can harness data to gain insights into market trends, customer behavior, and operational efficiency. This data-driven approach enables informed decision-making, minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities.

Collaborative Strategy Development. Strategic planning is not a task for the executive team alone. Companies are involving key stakeholders at various levels, which fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to the strategic goals. Collaboration encourages diverse perspectives, leading to more comprehensive and innovative plans.

Customer-centric Planning. Understanding and meeting customer needs is paramount for success. Lower middle market companies can differentiate themselves by adopting customer-centric strategic planning. This involves a deep analysis of customer preferences, feedback, and market trends to tailor products and services accordingly.

Digital TransformationEmbracing digital technologies is no longer a choice but a necessity. Companies can use strategic planning to create a roadmap for digital transformation. This includes adopting e-commerce, enhancing online presence, and implementing automation to improve operational efficiency.

Strategic Partnerships: Collaboration is a powerful tool for growth. Lower middle market companies can explore strategic partnerships with other organizations to share resources, access new markets, and benefit from complementary expertise. Strategic planning should incorporate a roadmap for identifying and nurturing such partnerships.



We can help. At The Mead Consulting Group, we utilize many of these approaches: 

Customer Forward™ Strategic Planning Process, Scenario Planning, and “Agile” or Flexible Planning are some of the approaches we use to provide the best tools available for clients.

Check out our website for descriptions of some client success stories.

 If you would like to discuss how we might help your company begin the process of adding value and moving your company to the next level of performance, please contact us for a free consultation. 

Best regards,

Dave Mead                

Friday, January 12, 2024

Seven tips to make networking work

 [Editor’s Note: I am often asked about my approach to networking. I thought it might be helpful to list some of my observations about successful networking. –dpm]

Seven tips to make networking work

There have been many articles written about networking. In the past, I've read that you should join an executive golf networking group, connect with anyone who asks on LinkedIn, you shouldn't spend time with the same people, etc.

There have been several articles written about the disturbing trend to transactional encounters rather than relationships. I am not sure if the trend to transactional reflects a need for immediate gratification, is a sign of desperation, or if people just didn't listen to lessons their mother taught them.

The truth is, there is no easy path to developing a meaningful network. It's not about collecting business cards, social media contacts, golfing partners, cycling partners, or meeting as many people as you can. It's about building relationships. In the current social networking world, some people seem intent to "friend" everyone and feel that the moment they meet you, they are "entitled" to tap into your network.

The following are some observations I've made over the years about building relationships:

1. Be a giver not a taker

Make deposits before withdrawals. Nothing turns people off faster than someone who gives you a download of their needs with little or no regards for yours. Take the time to understand the other person's needs. Seek to help them first.

Help people. One very successful investment banker made it a point to know all of the leading surgeons and researchers in the medical field so that he could help the families of colleagues in his network. Another person helps find jobs and internships for children of colleagues and friends.

2. Be a connector

Find out who others need to meet and make introductions that will help them in their personal and professional lives. Become known as someone who can make connections for others.

3. Go deep

Get involved with organizations and make a difference. People will make decisions about you based on how you engage with trade groups, not-for-profit and community organizations. If you get involved and make a difference, people will take notice. If you merely "write a check and check a box," distribute cards and look for introductions, they will notice that as well. We have made it a point to participate in organizations where we can get things accomplished and use our skills to advance the organization's vision and mission. Our consulting firm is all about execution and getting results for clients - people do notice that we do the same thing within the community. Want people to see you as dependable, creative, a leader? Superficial "fly-by" participation will not do it.

4. Deliver on your promises

If you say you'll do something for someone, make sure you follow-through. People want to build relationships with people who are dependable.

5. Do it for the right reasons

Some people call it creating good karma, others say it's doing the right thing. The key is that if you go out of your way to help others -it will come back. Perhaps not today or tomorrow, but it will come back.

6. Say thank you

Your mother taught you always to say thank you when someone helps you. People want to know that were helpful and that you appreciate their efforts.

7. Stay visible 

Many folks in transition are visible in the community only as long as it takes to find the next job. It is likely you will need to network again in your lifetime. Create a positive lasting impression. Otherwise, why would someone ever want to help you again?

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Navigating uncertainty: 9 Steps for Business Owners and CEOs entering 2024


Navigating uncertainty: 9 Steps for Business Owners and CEOs entering 2024

 [Editor’s Note: Happy New Year! As we enter 2024, uncertainties loom large for Business owners and CEOs. Navigating these uncertainties requires strategic foresight, adaptability, and a proactive approach. This article explores what business owners and CEOs should do to prepare for the uncertainties that may arise, ensuring sustainable growth of revenue and profitability in the face of challenges. We hope you find this thought-provoking. –dpm]

 1.      Conduct a Risk Assessment and Develop Scenario Plans:  Business owners and CEOs should start by conducting a thorough risk assessment. This involves identifying potential risks across various aspects of the business, including economic factors, market dynamics, technological changes, regulatory shifts, and geopolitical. By understanding potential challenges, leaders and their teams can develop proactive strategies to mitigate risks and fortify their businesses against unforeseen events. Remember, you need to plan for not only what you think will happen, but also examine plans for what you don't think will happen.

 2.      Foster a Culture of Adaptability (Flexibility and Agility): In times of uncertainty, adaptability becomes a key differentiator. Business owners should cultivate a culture that embraces change, encourages innovation, and fosters adaptability among employees. The ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances allows companies to stay ahead of the curve. Business owners should encourage flexibility within their organizations, fostering innovation and a willingness to embrace change. This may involve revisiting business models, exploring new markets, or diversifying product and service offerings. This may also involve implementing flexible work arrangements, encouraging continuous learning, and being open to feedback from all levels of the organization.

 3.     Invest in Technology and Innovation:  In the rapidly evolving technological landscape, businesses that fail to embrace innovation risk falling behind. Business owners should invest in staying technologically relevant, whether through adopting new tools, automating processes, data analytics, or incorporating emerging technologies such as AI. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also positions the business to adapt quickly to industry changes and evolving customer expectations.

 4.     Diversify Supply Chains: The global supply chain disruptions of recent years highlight the importance of diversification. Business owners should assess and diversify their supply chains to mitigate the impact of potential disruptions, such as geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, or unforeseen economic downturns. Building relationships with multiple suppliers including local sourcing can enhance supply chain resilience.

 5.     Focus on Talent Management: Attracting and retaining top talent is a perennial challenge, and it becomes even more crucial in uncertain times with chronic labor shortages on the horizon for the next decade. Prioritize talent management by creating a positive workplace culture, offering competitive compensation packages, and providing opportunities for professional development. Equip your employees with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate challenges. Foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptability. Additionally, effective communication is crucial to keep your team informed and engaged.

 6.     Financial Resilience: Business owners should focus on building financial resilience by maintaining a healthy cash flow, reducing unnecessary expenses, and diversifying revenue streams. Creating a financial contingency plan that includes a buffer for economic downturns or unexpected expenses will provide a safety net during challenging periods. Consider securing lines of credit to provide a financial buffer. Make adjustments to align with the economic conditions.

 7.     Focus on your customers: During uncertain times, understanding and meeting customer needs become even more critical. Engage with your customers to gain insights into their evolving preferences and expectations. Leverage customer feedback to enhance your products or services. Building strong customer relationships can create a loyal customer base that remains committed to your products and brand.

 8.     Stay Informed About Regulatory Changes: The regulatory landscape is dynamic, and changes in regulations can significantly impact business operations. Stay informed about relevant regulatory developments in your industry and geographic region. Establishing a compliance monitoring system, maintaining a presence in trade groups, and building relationships with relevant legal professionals can help ensure that the business adapts swiftly to any regulatory changes.

 9.     Watch out for DisruptionMaintain scans across your industry and tangential developments to be aware of possible disruptive trends and companies. Most disruption occurs during periods of uncertainty when customers are eager for anything that is better, faster, cheaper.


We can help. At The Mead Consulting Group, we work with many clients as Strategic Business Coaches. As coaches, we can help CEOs and Business Owners prepare for uncertainty and help them to keep focused on the prize - better business outcomes.

Check out our website for descriptions of some client success stories.

 If you would like to discuss how we might help your company begin the process of adding value and moving your company to the next level of performance, please contact us for a free consultation. 

Best regards,

Dave Mead